How Do I Stop My Hair From Falling Out?

how do I stop my hair from falling out
Hair loss can be stressful. Learn about how to stop hair loss with treatments, proper hair care, and home remedies that stimulate hair growth

Hair loss is a common issue that can be triggered by diet, stress, hormones, genetics, and other factors. In order to effectively treat hair loss, it’s important to identify what’s causing it and addressing the underlying issue. For example, if your diet is the culprit, eating foods with more protein and amino acids may help.

In general, hair loss can be stopped with treatments, proper hair care, and home remedies.

What treatments can help with hair loss?

Treatments that may help stop your hair from falling out include:

  • Minoxidil: Rub this over-the-counter cream onto the scalp as directed to prevent further hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
  • Prescription medications: Medications containing finasteride can delay hair loss in men.
  • Vitamin supplements: Vitamins such as iron and vitamin D and B complex can stimulate dormant hair follicles.
  • Devices: Special brushes, combs, or handheld devices that emit laser light on your scalp can stimulate hair growth.
  • Hair transplant: This procedure involves removing part of your scalp with healthy hair growth and transplanting it to areas that need hair.
  • Hair serums: Serums containing urea and ceramides can be topically applied to help maintain the natural biological barrier of the scalp, prevent itchy inflamed scalp, and treat hair loss.

What hair care tips can slow down hair loss?

You can also try the following hair care tips to slow down hair loss:

  • Avoid brushing your hair after getting out of the shower.
  • Air dry your hair whenever possible.
  • Avoid tying your hair back too tightly and style your hair loosely.
  • Limit the use of curling or flat irons and use low heat settings.
  • Use swimming caps when swimming and rinse your hair immediately after.
  • Use special ava water filters when bathing if the water in your area is dense in minerals (hard water).

How to make your hair look fuller

In addition to treatments and hair care tips, there are ways to make your hair look more voluminous: 

  • Use volumizing shampoo.
  • Avoid shampoo labeled as conditioning shampoo because it can weigh down your hair and make it look lifeless.
  • Use conditioner suited for fine hair because it has a lighter formula that can add bounce to your hair.
  • Always apply conditioner at the tips of your hair strands rather than on your scalp to avoid weighing down your hair.
  • Avoid conditioners labeled as intensive conditioners.
  • Experiment with different hairstyles to add volume to your hair.
  • Avoid harsh coloring, shampooing, and heat treatments.

How can you stimulate hair growth naturally?

Home remedies that may help increase hair thickness include:

  • Massaging your scalp with oil to improve blood circulation in the head. Use jojoba, coconut, or almond oil for best results.
  • Avoiding using too many styling products that may cause stress on the hair follicles.
  • Brushing gently to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Managing stress. Stress and anxiety can cause dry, brittle hair and ultimately hair loss.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Make sure you’re eating enough of the following nutrients associated with hair growth:
  • Eat a diet rich in healthy fats, proteins, and calcium. Examples of foods good for hair health include:
    • Olive oil
    • Canola oil
    • Nuts, such as almonds
    • Chicken and turkey
    • Fatty fish, such as salmon
    • Lean red meat
    • Milk
    • Cottage cheese
    • Yogurt


It is normal to lose 100-150 hairs per day. See Answer
WebMD. Healthy Beauty Slideshows.

American Academy of Dermatology. Hair Loss in New Moms.