How Do I Reduce My Toxins? 9 Ways

Medically Reviewed on 5/4/2022
How Do I Reduce My Toxins
We all know toxins are harmful to our health. Here are 9 ways you can reduce your toxins and enhance your body’s natural detoxification systems

We all know toxins are harmful to our health. But your body has sophisticated systems in place that can eliminate toxins on its own through your liver, kidneys, skin, and digestive system.

Because of this, there is no need to do a so-called detox diet. However, you can enhance your body’s natural detoxification processes with a few lifestyle changes.

9 ways to reduce your toxins

  1. Stay well hydrated. One of the most effective ways to reduce your toxins is by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Staying well hydrated helps your body remove waste products in your body through urination and sweat, which can protect you from diseases such as urinary tract infections and heatstroke.
  2. Drink green tea. Green tea is known to contain natural antioxidants that are essential for cell regeneration, which keeps the liver and skin healthy. Antioxidants also protect your cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress.
  3. Exercise on a regular basis. Sweating is a great way to reduce toxins in the body. Because the skin is the largest organ of the body, even 20 minutes of regular exercise can help your body excrete harmful toxins through sweat. Other methods of sweating include sauna baths and steam baths.
  4. Avoid sugar and processed foods. Artificial sugar especially hampers the detoxification process in the body by damaging the liver and kidneys. Most processed foods contain preservatives, additives, and other substances that can cause toxins to build up in the body. 
  5. Eat more fiber. One aspect of reducing your toxins is making sure your bowel movements are regular. If you experience constipation, include more fiber in your diet to make sure your digestive system is working properly and removing waste through stools. 
  6. Follow a healthy diet. Eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Colorful foods, such as bell peppers, eggplants, broccoli, and carrots, contain polyphenols, which have a role in liver cell repair. Including plenty of these foods in your diet can help keep your organs healthy and eliminate toxins they are exposed to daily.
  7. Get plenty of sleep. Sleep allows your body to recharge its systems and remove toxins and taste that have built up in your body throughout the day.
  8. Limit alcohol consumption. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can cause damage to your liver and hinder its ability to reduce toxins in the body. Experts recommend limiting alcohol consumption to one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.
  9. Switch to natural cleaning products. Many commercial cleaning products contain toxic chemicals. Switch to homemade or natural cleaning agents such as vinegar and baking soda to reduce your exposure to harmful toxins.
Medically Reviewed on 5/4/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

Rush University Medical Center. The Truth About Toxins.