How Can I Reduce Toxins in My Environment? 10 Ways

Medically Reviewed on 5/24/2022
How Can I Reduce Toxins in My Environment
You can reduce toxins in your environment by making better lifestyle choices and adopting healthy behaviors

Toxins from chemicals and pollutants can be found in unexpected places, even in familiar ones like your home. However, there is no need to panic. Avoiding or limiting toxins in your environment is possible by making better lifestyle choices and adopting healthy behaviors. 

Here are 10 ways to reduce toxins in your environment and protect yourself from harmful chemicals.

10 ways to reduce toxins in your environment

  1. Make your space greener: Houseplants are an excellent way to naturally filter your indoor air. They can get rid of dangerous pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and toluene that get into our homes through household cleaners and synthetic materials. Spider plants, English ivy, and dracaena are great options for low-maintenance houseplants.
  2. Use natural personal care products: Many personal care products contain harmful chemicals such as phthalates, parabens, and formaldehyde. Go natural by opting for personal care products that are plant-based instead of synthetic.
  3. Use natural cleaning products: Household cleaners often contain toxins that remain in the air long after use. Use natural cleaning products such as vinegar and lemon juice to reduce the amount of toxins you introduce into your home.
  4. Eat organic foods: Organic food is produced without the use of chemical fertilizers, growth stimulants, antibiotics, or pesticides. In other words, organic food is grown naturally, with fewer contaminants on the surface that you need to wash away. While more expensive, buying organic at the grocery store can help reduce your toxin exposure on a daily basis.
  5. Filter your drinking water: Getting a decent water filter is an effective way to reduce toxins in your home. Aside from drinking, water is used to wash, cook, and clean things that we eventually ingest. Therefore, filtering your tap water can help you reduce the risk of consuming water contaminated with lead, chlorine, pesticides, and other toxins.
  6. Stop using plastic bottles: Plastic bottles are bad for both you and the environment. Bisphenol A (BPA) can leach into your water more easily when heated, whether in the microwave or in your car, so avoid drinking bottled water when possible to limit your risk of drinking small amounts of BPA.
  7. Get a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter: Many household furniture items are made with materials such as flame retardants and plastics that can release harmful chemicals into the air. While it may not be feasible to replace all problematic furniture, you can reduce toxins in your home by using a vacuum with a HEPA filter cleaner.
  8. Wash your hands before eating: Washing your hands is not just about getting rid of bacteria. Heavy metals that harm the brain and phthalates added to plastics are examples of chemicals that can travel from your hands to your food. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating to get rid of toxins you don’t want to consume.
  9. Remove your shoes before entering the house: Your shoes track in dirt, dust, pesticides, chemicals, and other toxins. Remove your shoes before entering can help keep your home healthier.
  10. Open your windows: Keeping your windows open for a few minutes each day can help promote air circulation in the house and reduce the amount of toxins inside.
Medically Reviewed on 5/24/2022
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