How Can I Make Rose Water?

rose in water
Follow the DIY recipe below to make homemade rose water, which utilizes distilled water and fresh rose petals.

Rose water is a flavorful liquid made from the distillation of rose petals, which is believed to have originated in Iran. Well-known for its skin and hair benefits rose water is a versatile substance that may be used in cooking, skincare, and hair care, and even as a perfume. Because of its moisturizing and soothing effects, it has become an extremely popular DIY beauty product.

Rose water is a natural astringent that helps restore the skin's pH balance, giving the skin a fresh appearance and improving scalp health. Rose water can be directly applied to the skin and scalp or mixed with moisturizers, face masks, etc. Rose water is typically safe, but it is advised to do a patch test on the inner surface of the arm before using it. Discontinue its use in case of reactions.

Making homemade rose water is very simple and can be made easily at home following the recipe below. It takes about five minutes of preparatory time and about 30 minutes of cooking time.

Ingredients for DIY rose water

  • Fresh organic roses
  • Distilled water
  • A container (example, spray bottle)
  • Large cooking saucepan

Recipe to make rose water

  1. Collect the fresh rose petals in a container after removing them from the blooms and washing them in lukewarm water to remove any pesticide or residue.
  2. Place the cleaned petals in a large cooking saucepan with just enough distilled water to cover them. Make sure not to use too much water since it could dilute the rose water.
  3. Bring the water to a low-medium simmer and cover with a lid over low-medium heat.
  4. Simmer the mixture for 25 to 30 minutes or until the petals have lost their color and turned a pale pink.
  5. Strain the rose water and separate the petals from the water once it is ready.
  6. Cool the prepared rose water and pour it into a glass jar to store it somewhere cool and dry.
  7. To use rose water as a toner, pour the mixture into a spray bottle to make the application quicker and more convenient.

8 benefits of using rose water

The health benefits of rosewater include:

  1. Soothes irritated skin: Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help with redness, irritation, acne, and eczema.
  2. Restores/maintains pH balance and controls excess oil: Compared to normal soaps and cleansers, rose water has a pH level of 5.5, which can help restore the skin's natural pH. Maintaining the pH level of the skin will aid in the control of excess oil and reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
  3. Hydrating to the skin: Rose water is a holy grail for anyone suffering from dry skin and a dry, flaky scalp. It hydrates, refreshes, and moisturizes the skin without producing any irritation or reactions or making it appear oily.
  4. Reduces puffiness under the eyes: Rose water can help minimize puffiness and provide moisture and a cooling effect to the undereye area.
  5. Helps heal scars and wounds: Rose water's antibacterial properties can help heal scars, cuts, wounds, and pigmentation.
  6. Anti-aging benefits: Rose water is extremely rich in antioxidants, which improve skin tone, rejuvenate the skin, and minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
  7. Helps clean pores: Rose water contains an astringent, which is gentle on the skin and helps thoroughly clean and tone pores.
  8. Reduces dandruff and treats mild scalp infections: The nourishing and moisturizing characteristics of rose water are ideal for improving and maintaining scalp health. It can help get rid of mild scalp infections, dandruff, and dry, flaky scalps. It works as a conditioner that helps promote healthy hair growth.

Some people may be allergic to roses and should be aware of the potential adverse effects on the skin. It is important to store the rose water in a cool and dry place (refrigerator) to avoid bacterial and fungal growth.


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Veerula V. Simple DIY Method to Make Pure and Refreshing Rose Water at Home. eMediHealth.