Himalayan Salt Lamps: Benefits and Myths

Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022
Himalayan Salt Lamps: Benefits and Myths
Learn about the purported benefits and myths of Himalayan salt lamps

Himalayan salt lamps are believed to have health benefits including improving air quality, boosting your mood, promoting sleep, and soothing allergies.

Learn about the purported benefits and myths of Himalayan salt lamps.

What are Himalayan salt lamps?

Himalayan salt lamps are made from crystals of Himalayan salt. When lit, these lamps provide a warm ambiance due to the pinkish amber glow.

Real Himalayan salt lamps are made from salt harvested from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan.

How do Himalayan salt lamps work?

Himalayan salt lamps are believed to work in two ways.

  • Pulling in particles: The lamp supposedly attracts allergens, toxins, and pollutants to the surface, thus filtering the air.
  • Releasing negative ions: Ions are produced naturally in the air when changes occur in the atmosphere due to waterfalls, waves, storms, natural radioactivity, and heat. Himalayan salt lamps are believed to be natural ionizers, which means they can produce negative ions by attracting water particles that evaporate as a salt solution when heated by the lamp.

Both theories regarding air filtration and changing the charge of the surrounding air have not yet been proven by scientific studies.

What are the purported health benefits of Himalayan salt lamps?

Himalayan salt lamps are thought to provide several health benefits:

Improves air quality

Himalayan salt lamps are believed to help improve the air quality inside the home by neutralizing positive ions, which can help with respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, and colds.

This claim is partly based on the ancient practice of halotherapy which involved spending time in the salt caves due to the belief that it helps with respiratory health.

Proponents of Himalayan salt lamps claim that they help filter microscopic particles of dust, pet dander, mold, and mildew from the surrounding air, which is good for the lungs.

Boosts mood

Researchers believe that positive ions in the air increase anxiety, stress, and depression. Some animal studies suggest that high amounts of negative ions in the air may improve the levels of serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood and contributes to the feeling of well-being.

Himalayan salt lamps may increase the effects of negative ions on the body, boosting serotonin and improving blood and oxygen supply to the brain.

Promotes sleep

Some claim that the positively charged particles can reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in irregular sleep patterns. Since Himalayan pink salt lamps are natural negative ion generators, they may help promote better quality sleep.

Do Himalayan salt lamps really work, or are these just myths?

Although some claim that Himalayan salt lamps can help filter air, improve mood, and promote sleep, there is little scientific evidence to support these purported benefits.

Apart from being attractive and importing a nice ambiance or glow to a room, Himalayan salt lamps do not seem to have a real impact on health and wellness.


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Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Himalayan Salt Lamps. https://www.webmd.com/balance/himalayan-salt-lamps

Are There Any Health Benefits to Himalayan Salt Lamps? https://health.clevelandclinic.org/are-there-any-health-benefits-to-himalayan-salt-lamps/