Electrolytes in Food: Top Foods High in Electrolytes

Medically Reviewed on 7/27/2022
Electrolytes in Food: Top Foods High in Electrolytes
Here are the top foods that can help you replenish electrolytes

Electrolytes essential minerals your body needs to stay hydrated and carry out vital functions. Since electrolytes can be lost through sweat or urine, it is important to replenish your body with electrolytes to maintain optimal health.

Examples of electrolytes include:

  • Sodium
  • Chloride
  • Phosphate
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Bicarbonate

Here are the top foods that can help you replenish electrolytes.

What foods are high in electrolytes?

Whole milk

Electrolytes in 1 cup of whole milk
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 210 mg 9% DV
Potassium 644 mg 14% DV
Magnesium 49 mg 12% DV
Calcium 551 mg 42% DV
Phosphorus 440 mg 33% DV

Low-fat yogurt

Electrolytes in 1 cup of low-fat yogurt
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 189 mg 8% DV
Potassium 625 mg 13% DV
Magnesium 47 mg 11% DV
Calcium 448 mg 38% DV
Phosphorus 385 mg 31% DV

Swiss cheese

Electrolytes in 1 cup of Swiss cheese
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 53 mg 2% DV
Potassium 20 mg 0% DV
Magnesium 9 mg 2% DV
Calcium 253 mg 19% DV
Phosphorus 163 mg 31% DV


Electrolytes in 1 cup of spinach
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 126 mg 5% DV
Potassium 839 mg 18% DV
Magnesium 157 mg 37% DV
Calcium 245 mg 19% DV
Phosphorus 101 mg 8% DV

Dill pickles

Electrolytes in 1 dill pickle spear
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 283 mg 12% DV
Potassium 41 mg 1% DV
Magnesium 2 mg 0% DV
Calcium 20 mg 2% DV
Phosphorus 6 mg 0% DV


Electrolytes in 1 cup of celery
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 51 mg 2% DV
Potassium 166 mg 4% DV
Magnesium 7 mg 2% DV
Calcium 26 mg 2% DV
Phosphorus 15 mg 1% DV


Electrolytes in 1 cup of lettuce
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 3 mg 0% DV
Potassium 131 mg 3% DV
Magnesium 7 mg 2% DV
Calcium 19 mg 1% DV
Phosphorus 18 mg 1% DV

Coconut water

Electrolytes in 1 cup of coconut water
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 252 mg 11% DV
Potassium 600 mg 13% DV
Magnesium 60 mg 14% DV
Calcium 58 mg 4% DV
Phosphorus 48 mg 4% DV

Unsweetened soymilk

Electrolytes in 1 cup of unsweetened soymilk
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 170 mg 7% DV
Potassium 598 mg 13% DV
Magnesium 78 mg 19% DV
Calcium 598 mg 46% DV
Phosphorus 0 mg 0% DV

Butternut squash

Electrolytes in 1 cup of butternut squash
Electrolyte Value Recommended dietary intake
Sodium 8 mg 0% DV
Potassium 582 mg 12% DV
Magnesium 59 mg 14% DV
Calcium 84 mg 6% DV
Phosphorus 55 mg 4% DV

Potassium-rich foods

Top foods high in potassium
Food Standard portion Potassium (mg
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 1,309
Fufu, cooked 1 cup 1,080
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 969
Swiss chard, cooked 1 cup 961
Potato, baked 1 medium 926
Yam, cooked 1 cup 926
Acorn squash, cooked 1 cup 926

Calcium-rich foods

Top foods high in calcium
Food Standard portion Calcium (mg
Kefir, plain, low fat 1 cup 317
Cheese, reduced, low or fat-free (various) 1.5 ounces ~115 to 485
Nettles, cooked 1 cup 428
Nopales, cooked 1 cup 244
Taro root (dasheen or yautia), cooked 1 medium 204
Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 197
Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 185
Kale, cooked 1 cup 177
Mustard greens, cooked 1 cup 165
Beet greens, cooked 1 cup 164
Dandelion greens, cooked 1 cup 147
Sardines, canned 3 ounces 325
Salmon, canned, solids with bone 3 ounces 181
Tahini (sesame butter or paste) 1 tablespoon 154

Sodium-rich foods

Top foods high in sodium include:

  • Salted nuts
  • Pretzels
  • Crackers
  • Deli meats
  • Smoked salmon
  • Canned beans

Magnesium-rich foods

Top foods high in magnesium include:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Spinach
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Peanut butter

Chloride-rich foods

Foods high in chloride include:

  • Olives
  • Seaweed
  • Rye
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Celery


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow

What do electrolytes do?

Functions of electrolytes include:

  • Help in muscle contraction
  • Prevent muscle spasms and cramps
  • Support blood clotting
  • Support heart function
  • Promotes cell and tissue growth and repair
  • Remove waste from cells
  • Transport nutrients into cells

What are symptoms of electrolyte imbalance?

Electrolyte imbalance (too high or too low levels) causes symptoms such as:

How many electrolytes do you need?

Daily recommended values for electrolytes for healthy adults are as follows:

  • Sodium: 500 mg
  • Chloride: 750 mg
  • Potassium: 2,000 mg
  • Phosphorous: 1,250 mg
  • Magnesium: 410 mg
  • Calcium: 1,000 mg

How to maintain electrolyte balance

Follow these tips to maintain electrolyte balance:

  • Eat electrolyte-rich foods.
  • Monitor your salt intake. 
  • Drink enough water throughout the day.
  • Replenish electrolytes with a sports drink after a vigorous workout.
  • Use oral rehydration solutions during and after episodes of severe vomiting and diarrhea to replenish your electrolytes.
  • Do not take over-the-counter diuretics for long periods of time.
Medically Reviewed on 7/27/2022
Image Source: iStock image





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