Do Some Vegans Eat Fish? 8 Alternatives to Fish

Medically Reviewed on 9/1/2022
Do Some Vegans Eat Fish
Veganism is the practice of eating only foods that are not derived from animals or animal products

Vegans do not eat fish. Veganism is the practice of eating only foods that are not derived from animals or animal products. This includes fish and shellfish.

Learn about what you can and cannot eat on a vegan diet, as well as 8 alternatives to fish.

Why do some people choose a vegan diet?

Some people may choose to follow a vegan diet for the health benefits, because plant-based diets may lower the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Since most vegan diets are relatively low in calories and high in fiber, they can result in healthy weight management and even increase lifespan.

Others may follow a vegan diet to protect the environment. The production of meat and animal products is considered unethical or harmful to animals, and some choose to avoid contributing to such practices.

What types of foods are included and avoided on a vegan diet?

Foods that are allowed

  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils
  • Seeds and nuts, such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, and sunflower seeds
  • Bread, rice, and pasta
  • Dairy alternatives, such as coconut, soy, and almond milk
  • Vegetable oils

Foods that are excluded

  • Beef, pork, and lamb 
  • Poultry, such as chicken and duck
  • Fish and shellfish, such as mollusks, crabs, and calms
  • Dairy products, such as milk, butter, and cream 
  • Eggs
  • Honey

8 alternatives to fish for vegans

Fish is highly nutritious and rich in protein, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and shellfish also have a salty, briny flavor that can be delicious. If you are following a vegan diet, here are a few options that can serve as alternatives to fish.

  1. Legumes: Beans, legumes, lentils, black beans, and chickpeas are rich sources of protein and can be used in salads or in meatless burgers.
  2. Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds are high in protein, which is needed for energy and brain health. 
  3. Tofu and tempeh: Tofu and tempeh are good plant-based sources of protein that taste quite bland but can absorb all the flavors of other foods and sauces. You can try cooking them with vegan fish broth and ground algae to get a fish-like flavor.
  4. Seitan: Seiten has a meat-like texture and flavor. Similar to tofu, it tastes bland and can be marinated in different ways to be used as a plant-based alternative for fish filets and burgers.
  5. Mushrooms and algae: Mushrooms and algae taste salty, meaty, and savory like fish and have numerous health benefits.
  6. Jackfruit: Raw jack fruit absorbs all the flavors of the food it is cooked with and can make a delicious plant-based fish alternative.
  7. Marinated carrots: Marinated carrots taste similar to salmon. Cut them into thin strips and soak them for hours in a mixture of oil, vinegar, liquid smoke, and algae. The carrot strips will absorb all these flavors.
  8. Tomatoes: Tomatoes can be marinated in a spice mix to make them taste like tuna.


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow
Medically Reviewed on 9/1/2022
Image Source: iStock image

What Is a Vegan Diet?