Do Potatoes Have Gluten in Them?

Medically Reviewed on 8/11/2022
Do Potatoes Have Gluten in Them?
Despite being high in carbs, potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and they are gluten-free in all their varieties.

Raw potatoes are versatile starchy vegetables that are gluten-free in all their varieties and suitable for people with celiac disease (an autoimmune digestive disease that affects the small intestine's ability to absorb nutrients from the food), who are gluten-intolerant and with special dietary needs.

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) are the fourth most important food crop in the world and the leading vegetable crop in the United States.

How potatoes can be included in the diet of gluten-intolerant people?

There are over 200 varieties of potatoes for you to choose from although the most common ones are russets, reds, yellows, whites, and fingerlings.

You can keep the potatoes gluten-free and consume the same in the following ways:

  • Baked or roasted potatoes:
    • Go for baked potatoes without butter because it can be easily contaminated by utensils that have been used in gluten-containing foods dipped in them.
  • Fried potatoes:
    • Although you can enjoy homemade French fries, avoid restaurant French fries because they may be cooked in the same fryer as gluten-containing foods, such as battered chicken or onion rings.
  • Mashed potatoes:
    • Make your mashed potatoes in the comfort of your home.
  • Potato bread:
    • Just check the label before using it because it may contain wheat flour.
  • Potato chips:
    • Avoid packaged and restaurant versions because they may contain malt vinegar or wheat starch. Try homemade potato chips rather.
  • Potato flour:
    • It is a common gluten-free alternative for gluten-containing flours that can be commonly used to thicken sauces and included in gluten-free flour blends for baked goods.

What is the nutritional information about potatoes?

Table 1. Nutrients in a 100-gram boiled potato without skin.
Nutrient Amount
Calories 86
Carbohydrates 20 grams
Fiber 2 grams
Protein 1.71 grams
Vitamin C 7.4 milligrams
Vitamin K 2.2 micrograms
Vitamin B6 0.269 milligrams
Folate 9 micrograms
Potassium 328 milligrams
Choline 13.2 milligrams
Sodium 241 milligrams
Calcium 8 milligrams
Zinc 0.27 milligrams
Copper 0.167 milligrams
Manganese 0.14 milligrams
Phosphorus 40 milligrams
Magnesium 0 milligrams


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer

9 potential health benefits of potatoes

Despite being high in carbs, potatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber

Surprising health and nutrition benefits of potatoes include:

  1. Reduces pain and inflammation:
    • Potatoes contain anti-inflammatory substances such as anthocyanins.
    • They contain calcium and magnesium that can help relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis including pain and inflammation.
  2. Regulates blood pressure:
    • Potatoes contain vitamin C and fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol levels while improving blood sugar levels. 
    • In addition, the potassium content in potatoes causes vasodilation (dilation of the blood vessels), which helps lower blood pressure.
  3. Reduces the risk of kidney stones:
    • Potatoes are a rich source of magnesium, which prevents the accumulation of calcium deposits in the kidneys.
  4. Combats free radical damage:
    • Red and russet potatoes are specifically rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as carotenes and zeaxanthin. 
    • These potent antioxidants can help protect the cells from being damaged by free radicals (unstable molecules), preventing oxidative stress, and a wide range of diseases including cancer.
  5. Promotes brain function:
    • Potatoes contain choline, an essential nutrient that prevents chronic inflammation and helps with sleep, memory, and muscular function. 
  6. Reduces signs of skin aging:
    • Regular topical application of potato juice on the skin can help improve skin health due to vitamin C and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, and potassium. 
  7. Helps lose weight:
    • It is a good source of fiber, which can help lose weight by keeping you full for longer.
  8. Prevents heart diseases:
    • It helps prevent heart disease by keeping cholesterol and blood sugar levels in check.
    • This may be attributed to its high content of fiber and antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
  9. Improves gut health:

What is gluten?

Gluten is a type of protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye and processed foods such as bread, pasta, noodles, and cereals.

Hordein found in barley and gliadin found in wheat are types of gluten that can trigger symptoms in people with celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

Gluten is linked to celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that triggers inflammation in the small intestine when gluten is consumed in any form, eventually leading to decreased nutrient absorption and severe damage to the internal lining of the small intestine.

Common symptoms of gluten intolerance may include:

What other foods are safe to enjoy on a gluten-free diet?

Gluten-free foods include milk, butter, cheese, fruits and vegetables, fresh meats, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. 

Other gluten-free alternatives include:

  • Amaranth
  • Brown, white, and wild rice
  • Arrowroot
  • Bean flours/pasta such as garbanzo, black bean, or lentils
  • Brown rice or flour
  • Buckwheat
  • Casava flour
  • Carob flour
  • Cornmeal or cornstarch
  • Kasha (roasted buckwheat kernels)
  • Kuzu root and taro root
  • Masa flour and montina flour
  • Millets
  • Nut flour (almond and pecan)
  • Pea/lentil flour and potato flour
  • Quinoa flakes
  • Rice bran
  • Sago flour, sorghum flour, tapioca flour, teff flour, and coconut flour
  • Yam/sweet potato flour

It is advisable to check the package for the “gluten-free” label because some naturally gluten-free products may be contaminated with gluten during processing.

Medically Reviewed on 8/11/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Potatoes, boiled, cooked without skin, flesh, with salt U.S. Department of Agriculture:

Dan Brennan Health Benefits of Potatoes WebMD:

Gluten-Free Diet: Foods to Avoid vs. Safe Foods Young Men’s Health:

Are Potatoes Gluten-Free? Beyond Celiac: