Do Birth Control Pills Make You Unattractive? Side Effects

Medically Reviewed on 1/26/2022
Do Birth Control Pills Make You Unattractive
Birth control pills can cause side effects that affect your appearance—such as weight gain—which can make you feel unattractive

Birth control pills can cause side effects that affect your appearance—such as weight gain—which can make you feel unattractive. Some women, however, report experiencing improved acne and healthier hair while on hormonal birth control

Birth control pill side effects can be managed with lifestyle changes and are rarely a cause for the concern.

What effect do birth control pills have on your body?

  • Thyroid function: Birth control pills disrupt thyroid function and can cause symptoms similar to hypothyroidism. Estrogen in birth control pills inhibit the conversion of thyroid hormones into their active form by increasing the amount of thyroid binding proteins available. Low levels of active thyroid hormones can cause symptoms such as decreased metabolism, weight gain, fatigue, and increased cholesterol
  • Skin and hair: Some of the potential benefits of hormonal birth control are for acne, hirsutism, or hair loss. However, potentially serious side effects may occur as well. Estrogen can suppress the ovaries from producing more androgens and increase the amount of protein called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This protein binds with circulating androgens in the blood and prevents them from entering the cells of skin and hair follicles. This can reduce oil production and cause hair to move into the resting phase too soon or for too long, which can cause hair loss. It can also cause increased oil production and cause the body to grow coarse, dark hair.
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) system: Estrogen in birth control pills can change intestinal permeability and affect the barrier function of the gut. Exposure to exogenous hormones can disrupt the normal gut flora of the GI tract, which is responsible for metabolic functions, protecting against pathogens, and helping the immune system. This can lead to inflammation and damage to the gut lining, destroying its ability to absorb nutrients.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Long-term use of birth control can result in the depletion of certain nutrients, such as vitamin C and vitamins B12, B6, and folate, along with minerals such as magnesium, selenium, and zinc. Lower levels of these vitamins and minerals can have a negative impact on mood, cognitive function, heart health, skin and hair, as well as cause fatigue and headaches.

What are different types of birth control?

  • Hormonal birth control: Inhibits the ovaries from releasing eggs that can be fertilized and may include birth control pills, emergency contraceptive pills, patches, shots, and vaginal rings.
  • Implantable devices: Intrauterine contraceptive devices that can be placed inside the uterus and kept in place for several years.
  • Physical or barrier contraception: Work by blocking sperm from reaching the eggs and may include condoms, contraceptive sponges, and cervical caps.
  • Permanent contraception methods: Vasectomy for men and tubectomy in women are permanent birth control measures.


Which of the following are methods for contraception? See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 1/26/2022
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Planned Parenthood. What are the disadvantages of the pill?

Cleveland Clinic. Birth Control: The Pill.