Can Caloric Restriction Extend Your Life?

Caloric restriction to extend your lifespan
While not completely concrete, calorie restriction diets have been shown to improve and extend lifespans in the following ways.

Studies show that a calorie restriction diet (CR diet) may offer the benefit of a longer life

Calorie restriction has been studied for more than 70 years to improve health and extend lifespan. However, the exact mechanisms of how restricting calories exert these beneficial effects are not fully defined.

CALERIE Trial Findings

In the first large-scale study with normal-weight or slightly overweight (but not obese) people, researchers studied the following groups:

  • 150 men and women who consumed 25 percent fewer calories at each meal than they needed to maintain their weight.
  • 75 similar people who followed their normal diet for two years.

The calorie cutters managed to eat 12 percent fewer calories and lost 10 percent of their body weight. That may explain why their blood pressure was lower and their insulin worked better than those who ate their normal diets.

Caloric restriction may hence lower risk factors for heart attack, stroke and diabetes, which may indirectly extend your life. Other factors that favor caloric restriction are the assumption that lower calorie intake causes lower production of free radicals in the body, contributing to less cell damage.

However, one should remember that not all calories are the same, and it is important to not compromise nutritional adequacy for calorie restriction. An extreme reduction in calorie intake may lead to eating disorders, starvation and death. Your best plan is to restrict the consumption of excessive calories from nutrient-poor foods for your overall health and well-being.

What is a calorie restriction diet?

Calorie restriction is not a short-term diet. Rather, it’s about consistently eating fewer calories (25 to 40 percent reduction) while still consuming all the necessary protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Important things to consider about a calorie restriction diet include:

  • Calorie restriction necessitates eating nutrient-dense foods and monitoring intake of essential nutrients.
  • If you are considering calorie restriction, it is strongly recommended to work with a dietitian to ensure that you are meeting all your nutrient needs.
  • Make every calorie count because a calorie-reduced diet that’s deficient in amino acids, fatty acids and micronutrients is not going to give health and longevity benefits.
  • Simply cutting calories and not focusing on proper nutrition can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can affect bone health, immune function and concentration and memory.
  • Avoid sugary beverages, added sugars, junk food and alcoholic beverages, which contain empty calories.
  • Replace refined (white) grains with whole-grain foods, such as brown rice, quinoa, oats and whole-grain pasta.
  • Include nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables and protein foods, such as fish, chicken, lean meat, eggs, beans, lentils and unsweetened yogurt.
  • Take nutrition supplements, such as multivitamins, if advised by your healthcare provider. Consult your doctor to get blood work done so that you can track your improvements.

Get out of the mindset of expecting instant results because losing weight and getting fit takes time. Take small steps, set realistic goals and make concrete, sustainable changes to your lifestyle that you can learn to live with.

Cutting out all sugar and running 10 miles a day might get you thin. However, if you are miserable doing it, there is only so much you can take before you quit and lose all your progress. Incorporate cheat days, workout a few days a week and do not give up. Slowly but surely, you will see a change. Eventually, your lifestyle will change to allow you to not just get fit but to stay fit as well.


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Grabski I. Can Calorie Restriction Extend Your Lifespan? Harvard University.

National Institutes of Health. Calorie Restriction and Fasting Diets: What Do We Know?