Benefits of Drinking Water: How It Affects Your Energy, Weight, and More

Medically Reviewed on 9/22/2022
10 benefits of drinking water
Hydration influences every aspect of your being, including your mental and physical function.

Water is an essential aspect of daily life and is used by the body in several ways. Water accounts for about 60 percent of your body weight. Humans cannot survive for more than a week without it. Many people overlook the value of drinking water regularly and do not fully comprehend what water does for their bodies.

Not drinking enough water may cause various physical symptoms, such as:

Dehydration may negatively affect your general health and well-being in more ways. It may lead to urinary tract infections, digestive problems, and even renal problems.

Water can be the solution to numerous common ailments, yet some individuals still struggle to drink enough water.

10 benefits of drinking water

  1. Promotes weight loss:
    • Water consumption is linked to enhancing the feeling of satisfaction or fullness while eating less.
    • Water may help you feel content in between meals instead of snacking.
    • A glass of water 30 minutes before eating might help with digestion.
    • A study done on overweight women discovered that consuming more glasses of water before each meal significantly decreased body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body composition.
    • Another study reported that those who increased their water intake by only one percent consumed fewer calories. This lowered their total sugar, cholesterol, salt, and saturated fat consumption.
    • More fluid consumption 15 to 20 minutes before meals may result in lower insulin needs in people with diabetes.
    • Drinking water on an empty stomach raises metabolic rate by roughly 25 percent.
  2. Boosts energy:
    • Some people get drowsy in the afternoon and would rather drink a soda or a cup of coffee than a glass of water.
    • Others have grogginess from the minute they wake up.
    • Better hydration may help you in this situation, regardless of your usual energy level.
    • Tiredness and poor energy are two of the most obvious indicators of dehydration.
    • Drinking sufficient water every day may help you maintain your energy and sleep better at night.
  3. Maintains your brain performance:
    • Hydration influences every aspect of your being, including your mental function.
    • Drinking a tall glass of water while feeling dull or hazy helps you focus and feel more refreshed.
    • Even a little dehydration increases the chances of headaches, weariness, poor memory, and subpar mental function.
    • Water helps remove toxins and metabolic waste, as well as the delivery of nutrients to cells, including those in the brain.
    • You must get enough water each day for the proper functioning of the brain.
  4. Enhances physical performance:
    • Water is required to keep you hydrated and maintain an optimum level of fluid in your body.
    • Water, in the form of perspiration, keeps you cool as you work out.
    • Excess heat from your body is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation when you perspire, keeping your body at an ideal temperature.
    • Water keeps your muscles from tiring quickly and enables you to recover faster post-workout.
    • Your muscles create lactic acid while you exercise, which causes them to feel sore.
    • Staying hydrated assists your body to eliminate lactic acid from your muscles more quickly.
  5. Improves skin health:
    • Dehydration creates early wrinkles and enlarges skin pores.
    • Drinking sufficient water helps normalize blood flow and enhances skin condition.
    • By removing toxins, water makes the skin glow.
  6. Eliminates toxins from the body:
    • Water keeps the body’s waste flowing by softening and loosening the hardened stool.
    • Water aids in the proper functioning of the kidneys, allowing you to eliminate toxins from the blood and urine through the bladder.
  7. Improves digestion:
    • Dehydration typically leads to many digestive disorders, such as:
    • Nutrients in your digestive system must dissolve to be easily absorbed into your circulation, and water is essential for this process.
    • Furthermore, if you are not adequately hydrated, digestion may slow down, which can contribute to constipation.
    • A lack of water consumption or other liquids is thought to be a major factor in chronic constipation.
  8. Metabolizes fats and carbs:
    • Water is required by the body to efficiently digest stored fat and carbs.
    • Lipolysis (fat breakdown) begins with hydrolysis, which happens when water molecules combine with triglycerides (fats) to produce glycerol and fatty acids.
    • Drinking water improves lipolysis and is essential to burn fat from your food and drink.
  9. Promotes healthy hair:
    • Water aids in the deep nourishment and hydration of your hair roots and scalp.
    • Drinking enough water can help you get rid of dandruff and itchy scalp, boosting hair growth and assuring healthy, shiny hair.
  10. Regulates blood pressure:
    • Water is important for healthy blood flow.
    • When you are dehydrated, the plasma to blood cell ratio changes, making the blood thicker and more viscous.
    • Changes in the viscosity make it more difficult for blood to flow and increase the stress on the heart.
    • Furthermore, when the body's cells are dehydrated, the brain secretes a substance that constricts the blood vessels, leading to hypertension or high blood pressure.
    • High blood pressure may increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.


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Medically Reviewed on 9/22/2022
Image Source: iStock images

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