Are Figs Vegan? Why Figs May or May Not Be Vegan

Medically Reviewed on 10/7/2022
Are Figs Vegan
Although many people consider figs vegan, some suggest that they should be avoided in a vegan diet because wasps die in the process of helping figs reproduce

Veganism attempts to minimize animal cruelty and exploitation for food, clothing, or other purposes. Because of this, vegans do not eat any animal products including fish, meat, honey, poultry, and dairy.

Although many people consider figs vegan, some suggest that they should be avoided in a vegan diet because wasps die in the process of helping figs reproduce.

Why do some people not consider figs vegan?

Some people do not consider figs vegan because of the process of pollination and maturation. 

Figs depend on wasps for pollination. The female wasp enters through the small opening in the fig flower to lay her eggs. Eventually, she dies in the flower and her body is digested by the enzymes (called ficin) within the fig. Once her eggs hatch, the larvae crawl out of the flower carrying pollen on their bodies. 

Because the adult wasp dies during the process of helping figs reproduce, some people consider eating figs to be similar to animal exploitation or cruelty.

Why do others consider figs vegan?

On the other side of the debate are people who consider figs to be vegan because the death of the wasp is not a result of exploitation or cruelty but rather the symbiotic relationship between the insect and plant. The wasp needs the flower to lay its eggs, and the flower needs the insect for pollination.

Furthermore, because the wasp is digested by the fig’s enzymes, you do not eat the wasp when you eat the fruit.

Are products derived from figs vegan?

Whether you consider figs vegan or non-vegan, not all products derived from figs can be considered vegan. 

Figs can be consumed fresh or dried and are used to make a variety of products that may not necessarily be vegan. Ingredients to look for labels that are not vegan include the following:

  • Milk or milk powder
  • Cheese
  • Gelatin
  • Shellac
  • Whey, casein, or lactose
  • Carmine 
  • Animal-derived additives and flavors
  • Animal fat including butter and ghee

The bottom line

Figs are nutrient-rich foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals that promote overall health. 

Many commercial figs are produced without the involvement of wasps. Even when wasps are involved, they are completely digested by the flower by the time you consume the fruit. So for most vegans, figs are considered fine to include in a vegan lifestyle.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 10/7/2022
Image Source: Getty images,if%20you%20look%20really%20hard.