7 Health Benefits of Kakadu Plum

Medically Reviewed on 9/15/2022
7 Health Benefits of Kakadu Plum
Kakadu plum consumption can aid in weight loss and help improve the health of your skin.

Kakadu plums, which are the fruit of the Terminalia ferdinandiana tree, are native to Australia and are widely sought after because of their extremely high vitamin C content. They have been used as a medicinal and culinary component in the aboriginal culture of Australia.

Kakadu plum is still largely grown in Australia. However, it may occasionally be seen at exotic fruit and import stores.

  • They are roughly the size of an almond and have a pale green tint.
  • They have a solitary seed, and the fruit has an extremely sour flavor.
  • The tree's bark and sap are used for medicinal purposes.

Kakadu plums are also known as:

  • Salty plum
  • Green plum
  • Mador
  • Murunga
  • Gubinge
  • Billygoat plum

Learn the seven health benefits of kakadu plum below.

7 benefits of kakadu plum

Seven health benefits of the kakadu plum include:

  1. Fights cancer:
    • Contains phytochemicals that combat cancer, such as ellagic and gallic acids.
    • Gallic acid is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, a bronchodilator, antimutagenic, and antitumor. 
    • Ellagic acid has anticarcinogenic effects and helps keep human tissues healthy.
  2. Improves skin health:
    • Owing to the levels of gallic and ellagic acid concentration, the kakadu plum is regarded as a potent component for skin health. 
    • They both aid in the restoration of injured skin and reduction of collagen breakdown. 
    • Kakadu plum has chemicals associated with reducing inflammation produced by your skin's reaction to UV exposure. 
    • As a result, the kakadu plum has begun to appear as a component in a variety of cosmetic products.
  3. Reduces anemia risk during pregnancy:
    • Contains high amounts of folate and iron. 
    • Iron is used by the body to produce hemoglobin in the red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body. 
    • Folate (also known as vitamin B9) aids in the production of red blood cells in the body. 
    • These two nutrients work together to combat anemia and exhaustion and provide more energy.
    • Furthermore, folic acid is regarded as ideal nutrition for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant. 
    • This is due to the increased risk of spina bifida and other birth abnormalities in fetuses who do not receive enough folic acid.
  4. Aids in weight loss:
  5. Improves digestion and promotes heart health:
    • Has a high soluble fiber content that improves your digestive system, but it can have the following effects on your body:
      • Forms a gel in your digestive system, which can prevent fat absorption
      • Promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in your digestive tract
      • Owes cholesterol by preventing cholesterol absorption
      • Contains carbs from being digested too rapidly, which can cause your blood sugar to jump
      • Prevents cardiovascular disease by stabilizing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, and decreasing fat absorption
  6. Promotes eye health:
    • Has a high concentration of lutein, a pigment present in the human eye (macula region of the retina). 
    • The chemical is in charge of light filtering and eye tissue protection. 
    • Kakadu plum consumption lowers the risk of:
  7. Reduces inflammation:
    • Infections can cause inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis
    • Tannin generated from ellagic acid is abundant in kakadu plum fruit and leaf extract. 
    • Tannin is a complex chemical compound formed from phenolic acid (ellagic acid) that protects against such illnesses by suppressing bacterial development.


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Medically Reviewed on 9/15/2022
Image Source: Getty images

Health Benefits of Kakadu Plum: https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-kakadu-plum

Kakadu Plum: Health Benefits Beyond Vitamin C Supply: https://www.healwithfood.org/health-benefits/kakadu-plum-juice.php