35 Foods That Are High in Choline

Medically Reviewed on 7/29/2022
35 foods high in choline
While generally recognized for its health benefits, excessively high doses of choline are regarded as unsafe and may present with certain side effects.

Choline is regarded as a healthy nutrient, with relatively few side effects and no severe risk concerns. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted it a “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) classification.

Still, high doses of choline may result in several side effects. Many factors influence dose, including age, weight, gender, and personal sensitivities. It is better to consult the doctor to find the appropriate dose for your specific needs.

What is choline?

Choline is a water-soluble chemical molecule that is considered an essential nutrient for humans. Choline is insufficiently produced in the body, hence must be included in the diet for maximum health.

The Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences defined an adequate intake (AI) level of choline to be:

Table. The recommended adequate intake (AI) level of choline
Gender Amount of choline
Adult males 550 mg per day
Adult females 425 mg per day
Pregnant females 450 mg per day
Breastfeeding females 550 mg per day

35 foods high in choline

Table. Top 35 foods high in choline by type and serving size
Food Serving Amount of choline
Beef liver 3 oz 356 mg, 65 percent of the daily value (DV)
Whole eggs one large 147 mg, 27 percent of the DV
Beef 117 mg, 21 percent of the DV
Chicken breast 3 oz, cooked 72 mg, 13 percent of the DV
Atlantic cod 3 oz, cooked 71 mg, 13 percent of the DV
Milk 1 cup 43 mg, 8 percent of the DV
Yogurt 1 cup 38 mg, 7 percent of the DV
Cottage cheese 1 cup 26 mg, 5 percent of the DV
Tuna 3 oz canned 25 mg, 5 percent of the DV
Soybeans half cup, roasted 107 mg, 19 percent of the DV
Red Potatoes one large 57 mg, 10 percent of the DV
Wheat Germ 1 oz toasted 51 mg, 9 percent of the DV
Kidney Beans half cup, canned 45 mg, 8 percent of the DV
Quinoa 1 cup, cooked 43 mg, 8 percent of the DV
Brussels sprouts half cup, cooked 32 mg, 6 percent of the DV
Broccoli half cup, cooked 31 mg, 6 percent of the DV
Shiitake mushrooms half cup, cooked 27 mg, 5 percent of the DV
Peanuts one-fourth cup, roasted 24 mg, 4 percent of the DV
Cauliflower half cup, cooked 24 mg, 4 percent of the DV
Peas half cup, boiled 24 mg, 4 percent of the DV
Liverwurst 1 oz 71.7 mg, 13 percent of the DV
Whey protein isolate 100 grams 41 percent of the DV
Soy protein isolate 100 grams 35 percent of the DV
Scallops 100 grams 24 percent of the DV
Clams 100 grams 24 percent of the DV
Salmon 100 grams 21 percent of the DV
Mackerel 100 grams 18 percent of the DV
Bison 100 grams 18 percent of the DV
Pork 100 grams 18 percent of the DV
Lamb 100 grams 17 percent of the DV
Shrimp 100 grams 15 percent of the DV
Sea snails 100 grams 14 percent of the DV
Sardines 100 grams 14 percent of the DV
Frog legs 100 grams 12 percent of the DV
Maitake mushrooms 100 grams 9 percent of the DV


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow

15 potential health benefits of choline

Choline supplementation is reported to provide health benefits, such as better brain health and cognition. Clinical studies have long shown that having sufficient choline may improve memory and keep you mentally healthy.

  1. Supports memory retention
  2. Enhances memory recall
  3. Improves learning
  4. Increases communication in the brain
  5. Improves mental energy and reduces fatigue
  6. Better creative thought and problem solving
  7. Improves logical reasoning
  8. Enhances verbal processing
  9. Better focus and concentration
  10. Faster reactions and thought processing
  11. Elevates mood
  12. Prevents insomnia and improves rapid eye movement sleep
  13. Prevents headache
  14. Reduces attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms
  15. Helps the brain and spinal cord development of the fetus

14 possible side effects of excess choline

While generally recognized as safe, excessively high doses (more than 3.5 grams per day) of choline are regarded as unsafe and may present with the following symptoms:

  1. Diarrhea
  2. Nausea and vomiting
  3. Constipation
  4. Fatigue
  5. Dizziness
  6. Fluctuating blood pressure
  7. Steatorrhea (undigested fat in the stool)
  8. Excess salivation
  9. Appetite suppression
  10. Weight loss
  11. Feelings of agitation
  12. Increased sweating
  13. Insomnia
  14. Headaches
Medically Reviewed on 7/29/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Top Foods High in Choline. https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-choline#1

Choline. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Choline-HealthProfessional/

Choline. https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/other-nutrients/choline

Nutrients: Choline, total(mg). https://www.nal.usda.gov/sites/www.nal.usda.gov/files/choline.pdf