18 Unique Fruits From Around the World

Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
18 best exotic fruits
Learn 18 unique fruits from around the world for you to discover and include in your diet.

Fruits are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, and their significance in avoiding vitamin deficiencies is well known.

Fruits are naturally low in:

  • fat,
  • calories, and
  • salt.

Fruit contains a variety of:

There are many unusual and tasty fruits from around the world for you to discover. Look for these unusual delights the next time you travel around the world, visit local markets, or visit your local ethnic grocer.

18 best exotic fruits

Eighteen unique fruits from around the world include:

  1. Miracle fruit:
    • This West African berry gets its name from its extraordinary capacity to turn sour fruits (such as lemons and limes) to taste sweet when their juices are combined. 
    • This miracle is accomplished by the use of a chemical known as miraculin, which acts by altering the structure of sweetness receptors on taste buds. It's commonly used to sweeten palm wine in West Africa.
    • However, be cautious because although the miracle fruit might alter the flavor of sour dishes, it does not alter the chemistry of the food. As a result, it may expose the stomach and mouth to extreme acidity.
    • Despite its intriguing interactions with other foods, the miracle fruit isn't particularly fascinating on its own. It has a faintly sweet flavor, solid flesh, and an edible but bitter seed.
  2. Red bananas:
    • The majority of red bananas are found in Southeast Asia. Only five percent of bananas grow red, whereas 95 percent of bananas grow yellow. 
    • Because they develop in low-oxygen environments, these bananas become red. They are sweeter than regular bananas and high in potassium. They can only be developed in a certain habitat, which is why they are quite rare. 
    • These bananas are much larger on the interior than regular bananas. They taste like sweet raspberries and are extremely beneficial to people with high blood pressure.
  3. Rambutan:
    • Southeast Asia is again the home to this unusual-looking fruit. It has a dark pinkish maroon exterior with numerous thick hair on it. 
    • Inside this fruit is a pulp that resembles litchi and contains a single big seed. It tastes like a grape, and the tree yields this fruit in the fall. 
    • Indonesia exports this fruit to other Asian countries, but it has yet to reach Western markets.
    • Rambutan provides carbs, proteins, and copper, and it helps increase white blood cell count and immunity.
  4. Physalis:
    • Physalis is a flower-like fruit that is a yellowish orange berry on the inside. The fruit within, known as capapus berry, is quite small and covered by a thin leaf covering. 
    • You may eat the berry with its thin leaf coating. It contains vitamin C, iron, and calcium. These berries are exclusively found in South America, mostly in Colombia and Peru. They are used to make jams, cupcakes, and cheesecakes.
  5. Jabuticaba:
    • This strange and rare fruit, which resembles a grape, is found in regions of Brazil. The remarkable thing about this fruit is that it grows on the tree's bark rather than the branches, and bunches of this fruit resemble outgrowths of the trunk. It has a harder outer peel and is slightly bigger than grapes, measuring one inch in diameter. 
    • It has a very delicious and aromatic white pulp. This pulp is used in the production of jams, jellies, and desserts, as well as in the flavoring of wine. 
    • It is claimed to contain therapeutic characteristics that may aid in the relief of asthma and acidity problems.
  6. Mangosteen:
    • Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that is low in calories but abundant in minerals and antioxidants. 
    • It is known as the "Queen of Fruits" because history has it that it was Queen Victoria's favorite fruit. Mangosteen can be eaten as it is, but it may be used as a topping for salads and yogurt. 
    • Mangosteen is purple and characterized as sweet and tart or as a combination of lychee, peach, strawberry, and pineapple. 
    • Mangosteen is only accessible for 6 to 10 weeks of the year due to its seasoned nature. Mangosteen rinds are used for medical purposes in Southeast Asia.
  7. African horned cucumber or blowfish fruit or a kiwano melon:
    • This fruit has a dramatic contrast between its spiky yellow skin and luscious green inside. It tastes like a mix between a cucumber and zucchini and is high in fiber and vitamin C. The meat is best eaten by scooping it out of the skin with a spoon. 
    • It is indigenous to Africa although it has been transported and grown as far afield as New Zealand, Australia, and Chile.
  8. Noni or cheese fruit:
    • When you first see this fruit, you could mistake it for cheese because its color is so vibrant. This fruit may be found in both Oceania and Asia. 
    • This fruit has several health benefits. It has a very sour flavor, but you will be surprised to learn that it is incredibly helpful because studies have reported that it has the potential to treat high blood pressure and certain types of cancer and enhance brain functioning.
    • If you peel it and apply it to burns and rashes, they may recover soon. Some herbalists even sell syrup made from this fruit.
  9. Cupuacu:
    • This fruit, which has a thick outer shell, grows mostly in the Amazonian Forest. The pulp inside is delicate, aromatic, and delicious, and it is high in vitamins and antioxidants. 
    • This fruit is related to chocolate and, hence, has a similar flavor. It increases immunity, lowers the risk of heart disease, and aids in tissue regeneration.
  10. Salak or snake fruit:
    • Salak, also known as snake fruit, is a tiny oval-shaped fruit native to Southeast Asia. It has got its unusual moniker because its skin resembles that of a snake. 
    • The salak's surface is unappealing, being scaly and crimson with tiny spikes. However, after you peel away the tough skin, you will discover a delectable fruit with an addictively sweet taste profile. 
    • Although plentiful in Southeast Asia, these small wonders are uncommon in the United States. However, if you get your hands on any, it is advised not to consume too many at once because it takes longer to digest.
  11. Jackfruit:
    • Jackfruit is naturally sweet and has a flavor similar to pineapple and banana. It is edible both ripe and unripe. This tropical yellow fruit resembles a bean and can weigh more than 50 lbs. 
    • This adaptable fruit is a vegan favorite because it is frequently used as a meat replacement. As a result, it is frequently referred to as "vegetable meat." 
    • Because of its flesh-like texture, jackfruit has become immensely popular in the United States as a plant-based meat substitute. Some eateries are now offering jackfruit tacos and sandwiches on their menus as a meatless alternative. 
  12. Dragon fruit:
    • Dragon fruit got its name from its leather-like skin and large scaly spikes on the outside. This fruit is most typically purple although it has a yellow variety that is less common.
    • The dragon fruit has risen in popularity as one of the most unusual fruits on the market. When you cut them open, you'll see that the flesh inside has gritty specks that are the edible seeds.
    • Despite its look, the dragon fruit is a delicious fruit that is high in fiber and vitamin C.
  13. Hala tree fruit:
    • The fruit of Hawaii's hala tree is described as appearing like an erupting planet. Inside the stiff, fibrous husk are dozens, if not hundreds, of colored wedges, each with a seed. The fruit is native to Australia and the Pacific Islands.
    • The fruit may be eaten raw or cooked, and it can be used as natural dental floss. Individual wedges are frequently used to make necklaces or leis. Leaves of this fruit and tree are used to make thatch roofs, grass skirts, mats, and baskets and are reputed to have therapeutic benefits.
  14. Pummelo:
    • The pummelo is an exotic Asian fruit. It has characteristics that are similar to grapefruit, which may lead to confusion
    • Although these exotic fruits have certain similarities, the pummelo is much more. For one thing, its skin is thicker than grapefruit. It is sweeter and high in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.
  15. Black sapote:
    • The black sapote fruit is a persimmon species native to Mexico, Central America, and Columbia. 
    • When fully ripe, the skin becomes a yellow-green tint. When unripe, the pulp inside the inedible skin is white; when completely mature, it turns a dark brown/black hue.
    • Although the dark hue of the ripe fruit is distinctive, the black sapote fruit genuinely distinguishes itself in flavor and texture. This wonderful fruit is supposed to have consistency and flavor like chocolate pudding. 
  16. Cherimoya:
    • This fruit is native to South America and is widely farmed although it is not generally available outside of the continent. It is a green, irregularly shaped fruit with a thick outer covering that can weigh up to 500 grams. 
    • The white pulp within is aromatic, delicate, and sweet and is frequently used in ice cream and other sweets. 
    • This fruit's vitamins and antioxidants are extremely good for the body's overall immunity and aid in blood pressure regulation.
  17. Chocolate vine or Akibi:
    • This fruit is found mostly in China, Japan, and Korea. It has purplish brown skin. Its tree is 30 feet tall, and its skin is rather odd. At first glance, it appears to be purple coated with purple.
    • It tastes like coconut milk, and the peel and contents are edible. This fruit is used to cultivate several sorts of vines. This fruit is a natural pain reliever. It is claimed to have anti-tumor properties.
  18. Aguaje fruit:
    • This odd fruit has crimson scales that must be peeled away to reveal the meat. 
    • The fruit has been described as tasting like pumpkin pie and caramel with a lemon tang and is popular in the Amazon jungle. 
    • It is high in vitamins A and C, and the pulp is sometimes used to cure burns. When fermented, it produces a delectable, unusual wine.


According to the USDA, there is no difference between a “portion” and a “serving.” See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 8/10/2022
Image Source: iStock image

11 Exotic Fruits You Should Try: https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/ss/slideshow-exotic-fruits

9 Exotic Fruits That are Loaded With Health Benefits and Taste: https://www.goodnet.org/articles/9-exotic-fruits-that-are-loaded-health-benefits-taste

Top 10 rarest and tastiest fruits in the world: https://vietnamtimes.org.vn/top-10-rarest-and-tastiest-fruits-in-the-world-3672.html

Exotic Fruits as Therapeutic Complements for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3156450/