17 Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Medically Reviewed on 7/12/2022
17 Healthy Foods That Help You Burn Fat
These 17 healthy foods may help you burn fat as long as you burn more calories than you consume.

Body weight is significantly influenced by the food people eat.

It can take a lot of time and effort to lose weight, which is greatly influenced by lifestyle choices, frequency of activity, and food.

Fat burning involves mindful eating and exercise. No food will magically work to make you lose weight. You must burn more calories than you consume. Nonetheless, certain foods and drinks help boost your metabolism and keep you full for longer periods, thereby aiding fat loss.

Adding some of the options below to your regular diet may offer positive benefits that could result in weight loss and enhanced overall health.

17 foods that may aid in weight loss

  1. Black beans
    • To begin with, beans are a fantastic source of resistant starch, a form of insoluble fiber that digests slowly and nourishes the good bacteria in your gut. 
    • A healthy gut microbiome helps manage appetite and maintain good health. 
    • According to a recent study, over five years, a study participant's abdominal fat decreased by 3.7 percent for every additional 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed daily. One cup of black beans has 4.8 grams of soluble fiber.
  2. Sun-dried tomatoes
    • Vividly colored fruits, as recently discovered by researchers, can successfully activate your DNA to increase fat burning.
    • Beta-carotene and lycopene, two strong antioxidants are present in tomatoes. 
    • Opt for sun-dried tomatoes, which have only five calories each. In comparison to raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes have a higher bioavailable lycopene ratio.
  3. Grapefruit
    • According to some studies, people who consumed grapefruit for six weeks lost an entire inch off their waistlines.
    • The fruit is a rich source of phytochemicals, which are bioactive substances that encourage the synthesis of the hormone adiponectin. This hormone is involved in the breakdown of body fat.
  4. Coconut oil
    • According to studies, adding coconut oil to the diet decreased abdominal obesity. Half of the participants received two tablespoons of coconut oil daily, whereas the other half received soybean oil. While both groups lost weight, only the coconut oil group saw narrower waistlines.
    • Additionally, several experts have noted how tropical oil helps lose inches. In another study, males who consumed two tablespoons of coconut oil daily saw an average 1.1-inch reduction in waist circumference over a month.
    • Lauric acid has been demonstrated to target and burn abdominal fat, as well as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are burned as energy rather than being stored as fat.
  5. Warm potatoes
    • White foods are not all bad for weight loss. According to the Satiety Index of Common Foods, plain boiled potatoes are one of the most satiating food. 
    • Make a potato salad with them and store them in the fridge to get the most advantages. The tubers will crystallize throughout the cooling process into resistant starch, which takes longer to digest in your intestine and produces butyrate, which slows down the onset of hunger.
  6. Plums
    • Plums are rich in flavonoids, particularly anthocyanins, which regulate the activity of genes that drive fat storage.
    • Phenolic chemicals found in red-bellied stone fruits like plums have been demonstrated to inhibit fat storage. Additionally, a Nutrition & Metabolism study discovered that pectin, a gelatin-like form of fiber contained in fruit cell membranes, influences the amount of fat that your cells can absorb.
  7. Berries
    • The high water and fiber content of berries can help you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, they are low in calories and sweet, which can curb your cravings for unhealthy cookies or brownies. They are rich in antioxidants.
  8. Raw vegetables
    • Raw vegetables make a fantastic snack. They satisfy the want to crunch, are high in water content, which makes you feel satiated, and are low in calories. Half a cup of diced celery has just eight calories.
    • Put some peanut butter on celery or dip carrots in salsa. Replace the chips in chips and dip with raw vegetables when you are in the mood for them.
  9. Turkey and chicken
    • As a result of the high protein content of turkey, chicken, and other lean meats, you won’t experience unnecessary cravings.
    • Animal proteins are rich in tryptophan, which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. To regulate your mood, stop emotional eating, and prevent stress-related snacking. Serotonin synthesis is important especially if you are attempting to lose weight.
    • Choose a serving size of 100 grams for chicken and turkey.
  10. Cardamom and cinnamon
    • According to a study, cinnamon and cardamom have been shown to regulate blood sugar levels, enhance insulin sensitivity, and minimize the development of abdominal fat.
  11. Citrus water
    • D-limonene and antioxidants are found in lemon peel. You will feel fuller and be able to reduce needless calories more easily by consuming more water. 
    • Lemon water can reduce body fat and weight. To keep your metabolism working at its best, you must drink water. Include lemon in your drink for even additional punch.
  12. Tabouli
    • Although low in calories and fat, it is high in protein and fiber. Consequently, you can feel full while consuming fewer calories. Add beans, tomato, cucumber, and parsley to this dish to make it a meal.
  13. Salad
    • Eating a salad is another technique to fill up before a meal. The water content of lettuce is sufficient to fill up the stomach. By including several fruits and vegetables and some grated cheese, you may make a great salad.
  14. Air-popped popcorn
    • Even though three cups of ordinary, unsalted, air-popped popcorn may seem like a lot, they are quite low in calories.
  15. Apples and pears
    • Apples and pears both contain a lot of water. For more fiber that will help you feel fuller for longer, eat them with the peels on.
    • Instead of fruit juice, choose entire fruits. The fruits must be chewed, and you will gain more fiber and burn a few calories while chewing.
  16. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel)
    • Fish is a fantastic food to help you stay full and gain muscle.
    • Cooked wild salmon offers roughly 29 grams of protein per dish and only 200 calories. Additionally, salmon contains nine grams of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
    • According to research, omega-3 fatty acids may boost effective fat burning and lower inflammation.
  17. Cucumbers
    • Cucumbers contain a lot of water and are high in fiber. They support the body's ability to burn fat without raising body temperature.


Weight loss occurs in the belly before anywhere else. See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 7/12/2022
Image Source: iStock image

WebMD. Fat-Fighting Foods. https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-fat-fighting-foods

Kim JY. Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. J Obes Metab Syndr. 2021 Mar 30;30(1):20-31. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8017325/

Saar M. Best Food To Eat For Weight Loss And Energy. Lifehack. https://www.lifehack.org/895448/best-food-to-eat-for-weight-loss