15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

Medically Reviewed on 7/14/2022
15 Best Foods to Boost Your Metabolism
The metabolic rate varies in every individual, and it is assumed that certain foods can either speed up or slow down this process.

Your body digests, absorbs, and converts the food into energy or calories to perform all bodily functions daily. This process of conversion of consumed food and water into energy is called metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more calories or energy you burn during the day.

Eating foods that promote metabolism will surely help you lose weight and bring awareness about what foods to eat and how they affect your metabolism.

Learn the 15 best foods to boost your metabolism below.

15 foods to boost metabolism

  1. Chili pepper: When you consume hot chilis, your cheeks may flush and you may even begin to sweat. So, hot chili is regarded as one of the foods that boost metabolism. Capsaicin, an active component found in spicy peppers, such as chili and cayenne, can improve the rate of burning calories when your body processes it. Scientific investigations have suggested that chili peppers boost your diet-induced thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the amount of energy used during the digesting of food, which results in more calories burnt.
  2. Eggs: Eggs are high in protein; your body must work harder and burn more calories to digest them. This is called the thermic impact of food. One large egg has eight grams of protein and only 80 calories.
  3. Caffeine: A cup of coffee will give you a boost of energy and help your metabolism. Research done on a group revealed that participants who consumed 100 mg caffeine had improved resting metabolic rate. Furthermore, 100 mg caffeine taken every two hours for 12 hours increased metabolism in fit adults by up to 11 percent, resulting in an additional 150 kcal expended that day. However, make sure to not consume more than four cups a day. Coffee is addictive and can cause many health complications if consumed in excess.
  4. Cocoa: Dark chocolate with more than 70 percent cacao can be especially beneficial to improving metabolism. Raw cacao is high in magnesium, which helps regulate glucose levels and aids in fat burning. However, like with any other food, you must take it in moderation.
  5. Green tea: Green tea is high in antioxidant polyphenols and is regarded as one of the healthiest beverages. Green tea contains catechin, which helps enhance metabolism. Drinking five cups of green tea can burn up to 70 calories.
  6. Spinach: Spinach is abundant in vitamin B, which naturally boosts metabolism. It is an excellent dietary source for athletes because it aids in muscle recovery, resulting in a greater metabolism due to increased muscle mass.
  7. Cinnamon: Cinnamon may influence your metabolic rate by assisting the movement of sugar in the blood to the cells where it is broken down for energy. This reduces the conversion of excess sugar into fat and fat storage. However, you must keep track of how much amount of cinnamon you consume daily because some studies suggest that it may cause toxicity in high doses. It is recommended to limit cinnamon intake to one teaspoon or less per day.
  8. Legumes and lentils: Iron increases the flow of oxygen throughout the body, which helps produce energy and metabolism. Lentils are an excellent source of iron and one of the healthiest meals you can consume. They provide the most protein of any plant-based food and are heavy in fiber. Beans are another good source of protein, vitamins, and fiber, which keeps you full and helps you lose weight.
  9. Oily fish: Omega-3 fatty acids present in oily fish, such as salmon, herring, and tuna, have been shown to increase metabolic rate. With a higher metabolic rate, more calories are burnt, which results in weight loss. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to significantly reduce inflammation, boost high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol, and improve brain function.
  10. Oats: Oats are highly nutritious; they contain several vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Calories are burned while your body breaks down fiber. Fiber fills you up, allowing you to feel fuller for longer, reducing the need to eat as frequently. Oats maintain low insulin levels, reducing blood sugar surges that signal the body to retain fat.
  11. Greek yogurt: There are several advantages to eating Greek yogurt, which has 15 grams of protein in every 5.3-ounce container. Instead of ingesting yogurt with high amounts of added sugars, go for plain Greek yogurt and add natural sweetness and fiber with fruits.
  12. Apples: Apples are high in vitamin B and potassium, both of which help convert protein and carbs into energy. So, starting your day with an apple can is an excellent approach to increasing your metabolism.
  13. Whole grains: It has been demonstrated that replacing refined wheat products, such as white bread and pasta, with high-fiber diets, such as whole grains, raises the resting metabolic rate.
  14. Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are fiber powerhouse that has been shown to improve metabolism and general health. They are high in protein, which will keep you satisfied between meals. As part of a high-fiber food plan, ground flaxseed can be included in your morning smoothie or porridge.
  15. Water: Water is the most crucial element of life form. Drinking enough water keeps you from the negative effects of dehydration. Water can boost your metabolism. Adding a few ice cubes to your water can increase your metabolism because to warm the cold water your body burns more energy. Take cool water occasionally throughout the day to improve metabolism. 


Weight loss occurs in the belly before anywhere else. See Answer

What is the role of metabolic rate in weight loss?

The metabolic rate varies in every individual, and it is assumed that certain foods can either speed up or slow down this process. The rate of your metabolism is determined by your genes, nutrition, age, gender, body size and composition, and physical activity. A few other factors can be modified with certain lifestyle changes to improve the rate of metabolism.

Metabolism is made up of two major components:

  1. Resting metabolic rate: The amount of energy consumed by biological functions, such as blood circulation and breathing, during rest.
  2. Thermogenesis: The production of heat with the burning of calories can occur through generalized activity or eating.

When there is a disruption in any step of the metabolic process, your body may get susceptible to metabolic imbalances, which can lead to health issues.

Diabetes is a classic example of the body's failure to effectively metabolize blood sugar. As metabolic rate reduces, the burning of calories reduces. Eventually, they accumulate in the body, leading to weight gain.

Medically Reviewed on 7/14/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Healthywomen. Foods That Speed Up Metabolism. https://www.healthywomen.org/content/article/foods-speed-metabolism

WebMD. Foods to Eat That Help Your Metabolism. https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-foods-to-eat-that-help-your-metabolism