13 Ways to Make Your Coffee Super Healthy

Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022
13 Ways to Make Your Coffee Super Healthy
Adding turmeric to coffee can give you anti-inflammatory benefits, and studies report that it helps improve memory.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Most people often drink a few cups of coffee a day due to its ability to keep you alert and focused.

Coffee has a considerable dosage of antioxidants, as well as other essential nutrients. When consumed in the proper amounts, coffee can provide several health benefits. Generally, most adults can consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, which translates to around four cups of coffee (1 cup = 8 ounces).

Drinking coffee regularly may help fend off several chronic diseases, including:

The following instructions can help get the most out of your coffee.

What are the side effects of coffee?

Since coffee contains significant amounts of caffeine, consuming too many cups a day can lead to several side effects, including:

13 tips for keeping you coffee healthy

  1. Drink a glass of water before drinking coffee
    • Although caffeine is a diuretic (it causes fluid loss), studies report that your body may respond to steady caffeine consumption, negating the dehydrating impact.
    • However, many people who start the day with coffee realize that by the end of the day, they have not had enough plain water.
    • If you are one of them, start your day with at least 1 cup or 8 ounces of water (simple or infused). To keep hydrated, strive for four 16-ounce cups of water throughout the day.
  2. Eat before you drink coffee
    • Though many begin the day with a large cup of coffee, doing so may diminish your energy level.
    • On an empty stomach, insulin release can induce a fast drop in blood sugar, leading to increased sugar cravings.
    • Furthermore, the caffeine in coffee might reduce your appetite, allowing you to go longer between meals. This lowers blood sugar even further and increases sugar cravings.
    • The best way to maximize the health benefits of coffee is to choose healthy snacks with morning coffee or eat shortly before your coffee.
  3. Say no sugar or artificial sweeteners in coffee
    • Although they are calorie-free, studies suggest that artificial sweeteners stimulate cravings and are associated with an increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and type II diabetes.
    • Wean yourself off from artificial sweeteners; try switching to unsweetened coffee or a pinch of real sugar instead.
    • The American Heart Association suggests limiting your daily intake of added sugar.
  4. Try grass-fed dairy or plant-based milk
    • Use grass-fed and organic milk or cream in your coffee. This type of dairy includes higher minerals and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.
    • Milk and creamer manufactured from almond, coconut, cashew, and other plant sources are available.
    • They can be substantially fewer in calories than standard creamers, and they are often made with all-natural ingredients (no high-fructose corn syrup for example) and include heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.
  5. Try cinnamon or other spices with coffee
    • Use "sweet" spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves, to sweeten your coffee.
    • Spices, in addition to increasing flavor and fragrance, significantly increase your antioxidant intake (cinnamon aids in blood sugar and insulin balance).
    • Adding turmeric to coffee can give you anti-inflammatory benefits, and studies report that it helps improve memory.
    • You may experiment with a spice blend, such as pumpkin or apple pie spice, or add raw cocoa powder, which is high in antioxidants.
  6. Coffee nap
    • Coffee most often inhibits sleep. However, its effects do not get apparent for roughly 30 minutes.
    • If you drink a cup of coffee shortly before taking a 20 to 30 minutes nap, you could wake up feeling energetic.
    • However, caffeine should be avoided six hours before bedtime.
  7. Choose a quality brand, preferably organic
    • The quality of coffee can vary greatly depending on the processing method and how the coffee beans were grown.
    • Coffee beans are frequently sprayed with synthetic pesticides and other chemicals that were never meant for human consumption.
    • The health consequences of pesticides in food, however, remain controversial. If you are concerned about the caffeine content of your coffee, consider purchasing organic coffee beans.
    • Another option to avoid dangerous pesticides is to buy certified organic coffee beans and grind your coffee at home. This requires some additional money and work, but it is worth it.
  8. Try collagen in coffee
    • Collagen is rich in amino acids and glycogen and has been scientifically examined to help reduce joint pain.
    • Collagen helps maintain an appropriate range of inflammation and restore healthy tissues.
  9. Add grass-fed dairy butter to coffee
    • Adding grass-fed dairy butter to black coffee will give you brain-boosting and health benefits of grass-fed butter.
    • If you want a glob of butter on top of your coffee, try blending it with a hand blender.
  10. Add coconut oil to coffee
  11. Choose black coffee
    • Black coffee is inherently a low-calorie beverage.
    • Each tablespoon of cream has 52 calories and a sachet of sugar adds 11 calories. Try black coffee, such as espresso, which contains fewer than 10 calories per cup.
    • Black coffee is bitter, and it can be tough to drink, but your taste buds will adjust with time.
  12. Use a paper filter
    • Brewed coffee includes compounds, such as diterpenes named kahweol and cafestol, which can elevate cholesterol levels in the blood.
    • Make your coffee with a paper filter. The paper filter reduces the levels of cafestol and kahweol while allowing caffeine and other antioxidants to flow through.
  13. Do not drink coffee late in the day
    • Drink your final cup of coffee at least seven to eight hours before going to bed.
    • Drinking coffee late at night can disrupt your sleep and cause several health issues.


Foods That Aren't as Healthy as You Think See Slideshow
Medically Reviewed on 8/2/2022
Image Source: iStock image

Simple ways to make your coffee healthier. https://thrive.kaiserpermanente.org/thrive-together/eat-healthy/simple-ways-make-your-coffee-healthier

The Ultimate Coffee Guide For Energy Boost. https://www.lifehack.org/897039/coffee-guide