What Are Some Common Diet Mistakes?

Medically Reviewed on 4/14/2022
What are some common diet mistakes?
Learn seven common diet mistakes that may be inadvertently ruining your weight loss journey.

Many believe dieting simply means “eat this, not that!” However, there are several other things you must focus on when dieting, which can range from setting a realistic weight loss goal to making wise food choices.

Dieting appears to have many rules, so it is quite challenging to tell which ones you truly should follow. With such a lot of conflicting information on nutrition out there, it is common and easy to fall into unhealthy eating habits, especially concerning dieting, where you tend to make inadvertent mistakes that ruin your efforts.

Seven common diet mistakes include:

  1. Unrealistic goals
  2. Not eating enough carbohydrates
  3. Skipping meals
  4. Too much protein
  5. Forgetting that drinks contain calories too
  6. Not eating in moderation
  7. Drinking too little water

You are working hard to achieve your body goals, so ensure that you are not falling victim to the following common dieting mistakes.

7 common diet mistakes

  1. Unrealistic goals
    • A sensible and realistic goal is the key to successful dieting. Setting a goal to shed 20 pounds within two weeks is simply setting yourself up for disappointment. This will result in making you will feel discouraged and unmotivated when you do not see your dream number on your scale.
    • If you do not know what your diet goal should be, consult a dietitian.
  2. Not eating enough carbs
    • Carbs have been labeled the main cause of weight gain. Yet, completely cutting out carbs affects your energy levels and you end up craving more carbs. With no adequate carbs in your body, you have relatively little energy for working out, thus this makes you avoid workouts.
    • Complex carbs have fiber, which will keep you feeling full and give you lasting energy. These include oats, grains, and fruits. However, refined carbs, such as sugar, white pasta, and white bread, can spike glucose levels and lead to weight gain, whereas complex carbs can help you get in shape.
  3. Skipping meals
    • Skipping meals, especially breakfast, is one of the most common mistakes that one does while dieting. Many believe skipping meals is a quick way to cut down calories, which is not true. If you do so, you are more likely to be hungry and overeat the rest of the day to compensate.
    • Studies have reported that individuals who have breakfast and other meals that are high in protein and fiber are bound to curb hunger and keep a healthy weight.
  4. Too much protein
    • Protein is called one of the fundamental macronutrients for weight reduction. Protein has been found to help build lean muscle, which burns calories even at rest and can help you lose weight. However, consuming too much protein can contribute to body fat.
    • It is recommended to consume no more than 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. Individuals who overeat protein can end up putting on weight instead of shedding them.
  5. Forgetting that drinks contain calories too
    • While counting calories, many will generally neglect what is in drinks. Sweetened beverages and soft drinks are loaded with added sugars, leading to calories stacking up in your body without you realizing it.
    • Keep a track of the calories you are drinking in your coffee, tea, or juice, and opt for low-calorie options.
  6. Not eating in moderation
    • It is never recommended to eat more than required even if it is healthy calories. Food varieties that have a “health label” can prompt weight gain sometimes. The general per meal recommendation is vegetables and fruit half your plate, proteins, such as meat, poultry, or fish, a quarter of your plate, and carbohydrates the last quarter.
    • Many “healthy” food varieties are not good for losing weight, such as avocados, hummus, peanut butter, and bananas, because these are calorie-packed and can cause weight gain. It is okay to enjoy these foods but be careful about the serving size.
  7. Drinking too little water 
    • Drinking sufficient water is one of the simplest but most effective ways to lose weight. Water is fundamental for burning calories.
    • If you drink very little water and get dehydrated, your metabolism slows down, which means slower weight reduction. So, it is best to drink as much water as you can whenever possible.


Weight loss occurs in the belly before anywhere else. See Answer
Medically Reviewed on 4/14/2022
Image Source: iStock Image

Joe L. The biggest mistakes dieters make. YMCA of Middle Tennessee. https://www.ymcamidtn.org/health-and-fitness/articles/biggest-mistakes-dieters-make

KImsHealth. Do not indulge in these 9 common dieting mistakes. https://www.kimshealth.org/trivandrum/blog/do-not-indulge-these-9-common-dieting-mistakes/